Tuesday, July 28, 2009

書展. 寫真

趕往書展途中, 的士司機問, 書展幾時最後一日呀 ?
答: 明天
司機: 書展變晒啦, 以前都同老婆去行下,
依家, 話去書展, 俾人陰陰咀笑, "你去買寫真" !
唔去啦, 書展再俾賣寫真, 遲早玩完...


a: 沒乜野做, 好悶
b: 去書展嘛
a: 沒乜書好睇
b: 入去買寫真呀...

(去書展, 買寫真)


Ruth Tam said...

I am probably not in a position to comment as I didn't even go to the book fair.

I won't buy those books, just because they are not my cup of tea. Yet, I appreciate Hong Kong as a free society. As long as it's not illegal or unethical, we should accommodate.

Pema said...

書展不應賣寫真, 話我古老都係啦, 正正經經賣書咪好囉, 好多人都帶埋小朋友去架嘛.

污染環境 !!